Dune Downloads

Sandworms of Dune - Free Chapters
Dunenovels.com is giving away several chapters of Sandworms of Dune as MP3 downloads and/or text.
Listen to Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
Listen to Chapter 2
Read Chapter 2
Listen to Chapter 3
Read Chapter 3
Read Chapter 4

Hunters of Dune - Free Chapters
Dunenovels.com is giving away the first 5 chapters of Hunters of Dune as PDF downloads.
Download Chapter 1
Download Chapter 2
Download Chapter 3
Download Chapter 4
Download Chapter 5

The Faces of a Martyr
As they did in 2002 with the introductory short story "Hunting Harkonnens," and in 2003 with the introductory short story "The Whipping Mek," Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson have written another original short story, "The Faces of a Martyr," as a bridge spotlighting the events in between 'The Machine Crusade' and 'The Battle of Corrin'
Download 'The Faces of a Martyr'

Whipping Mek
As they did last year, with the introductory short story "Hunting Harkonnens," Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson have written another original story, "Whipping Mek," as a bridge spotlighting events in between 'The Butlerian Jihad' and 'The Machine Crusade'.
Download 'Whipping Mek'

Hunting Harkonnens
Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson have issued a unique stand-alone short story in the DUNE saga: 'Hunting Harkonnens'. This story - the deadly hunt by the cymeks for Piers Harkonnen - takes place just prior to the events of 'The Butlerian Jihad'.
Download 'Hunting Harkonnens'

Emperor: Battle for Dune Downloads
Dune2K.com has a collection of downloads for Emperor: Battle for Dune, including:
Fan Made Maps,
Official Map Packs,
Video and
Additionally, a fansite kit, an FAQ, mappacks, audio, video, screenshots, themepacks and updates are available from the Westwood FTP server.

Dune 2000 Downloads
Dune2K.com has a collection of downloads for Dune 2000, including:
Savegames and
Additionally, an FAQ, audio, video, themepack and updates are available from the Westwood FTP server.

Dune II Downloads
Dune2K.com has a collection of downloads for Dune II, including:
Game (Demo & Super Dune II),
Audio and
Additionally, audio, demos, screenshots and updates are available from the Westwood FTP server.
If you have lost your original copy of the game you can download it from Abandonia.com.

Dune Download
If you have lost your original copy of the game you can download it from Abandonia.com, as well as the manual and some music tracks (midi and mp3s).

Avalon Hill - Dune
Rules (for Dune, Spice Harvest and The Duel), Boards (for Dune and The Duel), Spice Cards, Player Aid Pad, Treachery Cards, Leader Disks and Player Shields, are all available to download from
Colin's Dune Page.
Very useful is you have lost any parts of the game.
Additionally, various resources are available from BoardGameGeek.

Dune boardgame (Parker Brothers 1984)
Rules are available to download from

Arrakis WinAmp Skin
Audio Renaissance Samples
Listen to clips of the Audio Renaissance Audio books.
Hunters of Dune
Dune: The Butlerian Jihad
Dune: The Machine Crusade
Dune: The Battle of Corrin
HarperAudio Samples
Science fiction writer Frank Herbert reading excerpts from his "Dune" series. These influential books are set on an imaginary world with a desert climate and a feudal society. Herbert had a career as a newspaperman before turning his hand to science fiction. Herbert's "Dune" was published in 1965, and was followed by five other books set on this inhospitable planet.
IMS: Frank Herbert, HarperAudio