Other Frank Herbert Books

ISBN: 0-743-43479-X
Eye features the startlingly original collaboration "The Road to Dune," a walking tour of Arakeen narrated by Frank Herbert and illustrated by acclaimed British artist Jim Burns. Also included is an introduction by Herbert describing his personal feelings about the filming of David Lynch's movie version of Dune; Herbert's own favorite short story, "Seed Stock"; and tales from throughout his career, some never before collected.

The Eyes of Heisenberg (1966)
ISBN: 0-765-34252-9
Public law 10927 was clear and direct. Parents were permitted to watch the genetic alterations of their gametes by skilled surgeons . . . only no one ever requested it.
When Lizbeth and Harvey Durant decided to invoke the Law: when Dr. Potter did not rearrange the most unusual genetic structure of their future son, barely an embryo growing in the State's special vat - the consequences of these decisions threatened to be catastrophic.
For never before had anyone dared defy the Rulers' decrees . . . and if They found out, it was well known that the price of disobedience was the extermination of the human race.

The Green Brain (1966)
ISBN: 0-765-34250-2
In an overpopulated world seeking living room in the jungles, the International Ecological Organization was systematically exterminating the voracious insects which made these areas uninhabitable. Using deadly foamal bombs and newly developed vibration weapons, men like Joao Martinho and his co-workers fought to clear the green hell of the Mato Grosso.
But somehow those areas which had been completely cleared were becoming reinfested, despite the impenetrable vibration barriers. And tales came out of the jungles . . . of insects mutated to incredible sizes . . . of creatures who seemed to be men, but whose eyes gleamed with the chitinous sheen of insects. . . .

The Santaroga Barrier (1968)
ISBN: 0-765-34251-0
Santaroga seemed to be nothing more than a prosperous farm community. But there was something ... different ... about Santaroga.
Santaroga had no juvenile delinquency, nor any crime at all. Outsiders found no house for sale or rent in this valley, and no one ever moved out. No one bought cigarettes in Santaroga. No cheese, wine, beer, or produce from outside the valley could be sold there. The list went on and on and grew stranger and stranger.

The Dosadi Experiment (1977)
ISBN: 0-765-34253-7
Generations of a tormented human-alien people, caged on a toxic planet, conditioned by constant hunger and war - this is the Dosadi Experiment, and it has succeeded too well.
For the Dosadi have bred for vengeance as well as cunning, and they have learned how to pass through the shimmering God Wall to exact their dreadful revenge on the Universe that created them...

Hellstrom's Hive (1973)
ISBN: 0-765-31772-9
In Hellstroms Hive, winner of the 1978 Prix Apollo, Frank Herbert's vivid imagination and brilliant view of nature and ecology has never been more evident. America is a police state, and it is about to be threatened by the most hellish enemy in the world insects. When the Agency discovered that Dr. Hellstroms Project 40 was a cover for a secret laboratory, a special team of agents was immediately dispatched to discover its true purpose and its weaknesses it could not be allowed to continue. What they discovered was a nightmare more horrific and hideous than even their paranoid government minds could devise.
Pandora series
- Destination: Void, (1966) - Buy from Amazon.com
- The Jesus Incident (1979) - Buy from Amazon.com
- The Lazarus Effect (1983) - Buy from Amazon.com
- The Ascension Factor (1988) - Buy from Amazon.com
- Worlds of Frank Herbert - Buy from Amazon.com
- The Book of Frank Herbert - Buy from Amazon.com
- The Dragon in the Sea (1955) - Buy from Amazon.com
- The God Makers (1960) - Buy from Amazon.com
- The Heaven Makers (1968) - Buy from Amazon.com
- The Whipping Star (1970) - Buy from Amazon.com
- Soul Catcher (1972) - Buy from Amazon.com
- Whipping Star (1977) - Buy from Amazon.com
- The White Plague (1982) - Buy from Amazon.com
- The Man of Two Worlds (1986) (with Brian Herbert) - Buy from Amazon.com