Eye of the Storm: Atreides Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-23-6
Price: US $8.99
Listen, friend. Times are hard, but the winds of change are in the air, brought about like you and I. Look at this planet, Arrakis. The people here are oppressed; abuses are so commonplace in the Imperium that they are no longer noticed. Only we can make the changes that are so obviously necessary. Support our motions before the Landsraad, and we will use our influence to secure your admission to the High Council.
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Eye of the Storm: Corrino Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-23-6
Price: US $8.99
We, the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV, have become greatly concerned with the events now transpiring on Arrakis. We command you, our vassal, to work our will and ensure that our interests are protected. We will allow you to act in our name to the limited extent necessary to enforce your commission. When you have successfully negated these various threats we will grant you a seat on the High Council of the Landsraad.
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Eye of the Storm: Fremen Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-23-6
Price: US $8.99
Hear the passage of Shai-Hulud? He is the great Maker - the sandworm of Arrakis. Those who see the wormsign know that great conflict comes to the open bled and none will be spared the burdens of those battles. Share your water with our tribes and we will share with you the knowledge that we alone possess. With our help, your control of the Spice will be decisive and you shall achieve your goals in the Landsraad.
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Eye of the Storm: Guild Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-23-6
Price: US $8.99
We have folded space to meet with you, though our time here is short. Other commitments call, for our control over the movements and communications of the Empire provides us with both awesome strength and great responsibility. For now, you must be content with knowing that all you do has been foreseen and is according to our wishes. Be patient and support us, and soon your fortunes in the Landsraad will start to rise.
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Eye of the Storm: Harkonnen Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-23-6
Price: US $8.99
Silence! Do not speak, and obey without question. The Baron requires your assistance. Now that you have made your fateful choice you will become entwined in our web of intrigue and deception. That web obscures our true motives, which are not for you to know. What you must do is protect Harkonnen interests while we arrange your nomination to the High Council. Vast power will soon belong to your House!
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Eye of the Storm: Sisterhood Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-23-6
Price: US $8.99
Are you human or animal? This question, once asked, can only be answered in the affirmative. Those who oppose us, dubious in their humanity, seek to know our secret ways and closely held plans. We will provide what assistance we may, provided you act to protect those matters we wish kept confidential. We need support on the High Council, and if you prove worthy we shall help you gain the Landsraad.
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Eye of the Storm: Booster
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-24-4
Price: US $2.99
Arrakis. Dune. Desert Planet. The Great Houses have all turned their eyes toward Dune, the harsh wasteland that is the only source of the Spice. You, too, struggle to take control of the most valuable substance in the universe. Whether you choose to fight on the CHOAM exchange, the floor of the Landsraaad, or the drifting sands of Arrakis itself, expect treachery, danger, and the unknown at every turn. Dune is a collectable card game set in a universe of galactic intrigue, shifting alliances, and ancient prophecies at last coming to fruition. This Spice Pack contains 15 cards to help you realize your great ambitions on Dune!
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Judge of the Change: Spice Miner's Guild Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-51-1
Price: US $8.99
We are the Dune men; ours is a quick life. Quickly to sand, quickly to sift the spice, quickly comes the worm. The worm always comes, and death is also quick on the sand. Without us, no one would mine the spice, and the universe would grind to a halt. They all pay our price and you will be no different, our success brings profits beyond imaging... profits enough to buy yourself a place in the Landsraad.
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Judge of the Change: Spice Miner's Guild Booster
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-52-X
Price: US $2.99
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Judge of the Change: Water Seller's Union Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-29-5
Price: US $8.99
Water is life. By this maxim all Arrakis lives or dies. By this maxim the people here understand our power. Many factions vie for a claim on Arrakis, but they all come to us for their survival. Arrakis is a harsh world. You are wise to have allied with us, for we are the axis upon which Dune spins. Great Houses may rise and fall, but we will always be here. Aid us now and you will prosper as we prosper. In this, the time of change, we thrive!
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Judge of the Change: Water Seller's Union Booster
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-22-8
Price: US $2.99
Set in a galaxy-spanning, far-future empire dominated by noble families, secret societies, and intractable trade guilds, the Dune(TM) trading card game thrusts players into a maelstrom of shifting alliances and hidden agendas for wealth, status, and a seat on the all-powerful Landsraad High Council. Judge of the Change(TM) is the first three-month story-based expansion arc, following the original Dune novel written by Frank Herbert.
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Judge of the Change: Dune Smugglers Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-29-5
Price: US $8.99
You have found us, and proven you are worthy of our attention. We are outlaws to be sure, and our life is fraught with peril. But with great risk comes great reward. Water. Coffee. Liquor. Spice. Serve us long enough and you'll have enough spice to a seat on the Landsraad Council. If you should fail in your grasp for power we will smuggle you to safety off-planet...if you can afford it.
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Judge of the Change: Dune Smugglers Booster
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-890111-30-9
Price: US $2.99
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Thunder at Twilight: Atreides Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-58227-042-2
Trusted friend, House Atreides stands alone on Arrakis. We are beset on all sides by our foes, who seek to destroy us with political rhetoric and poisoned blade. In this, our hour of need, we turn to you. Stand with us on Dune. Defy the corruption of the Imperium and the atrocities of powermad Houses. We can make changes, my House and yours... from your new seat on the High Council.
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Thunder at Twilight: Atreides Booster
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
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Thunder at Twilight: Harkonnen Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-58227-046-5
Silence! Do not interrupt me again, if you value your life. House Atreides, our blood foes, have taken Arrakis, and we, with allies of our own in the shadows, prepare to strike back. You must help us retake the planet. Obey without question, send your House to die at our command, and we will consider elevating your pitiful House into the High Council. Fail, and you shall never dare to sleep again.
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Thunder at Twilight: Harkonnen Booster
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-58227-051-1
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Thunder at Twilight: Corrino Starter Deck
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
ISBN: 1-58227-050-3
We, the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV, are greatly concerned with the war between two of our greatest Houses. We herewith command that you shall intercede upon Arrakis and ensure our will is executed. You are granted the right to act in our name. Abuse this great privilege, and you shall suffer our wrath. Perform your duties well, and we shall grant you a seat in the High Council.
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Thunder at Twilight: Corrino Booster
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
The ferocious sun sets to a glimmering corona. Long shadows steal across Arrakeen, plunging the city into darkness. The city folk vacate the streets to find shelter as the static crackle of dry thunder peals in the distance, warning of an in-rushing storm. Twilight brings an hour of foreboding, an uneasy interlude charged by the impending fury of the storm. With Baron Harkonnen bent on revenge, who can know when the distant thunder will become a storm of artillery?
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Second Moon Rising: Expansion Set
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing
Fall of the Padishah: Expansion Set
Publisher: Five Rings Publishing