Custom Ornithopter
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is a mainstay vehicle from the Dune series and is made in the LJN style. It is 12 inches in length and 7 inches in height. Cockpit hold four LJN Dune figures.

Custom Third Stage Guild Navigator
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is the third stage navigator as it appeared in the cult classic DUNE film. It is made in the LJN style. It stands at 7 inches tall and 13 inches long and is removable from its spice tank.

Custom First Stage Guild Navigator
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is the first stage navigator as it appeared in the cult classic DUNE film. It is made in the LJN style. It stands at 6 inches tall.

Custom Second Stage Guild Navigator
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is the Second stage navigator as it appeared in the cult classic DUNE series. It is made in the LJN style. It stands at 8 inches tall.

Custom Paul "Muad'dib" Atreides
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
The figure is 6.5 inches tall and includes thumper, sound weapon, maker hook, crysknife, worm rope, and voice modulator.

Custom Emperor Shaddam IV
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is Emperor Shaddam IV as he appeared in the cult classic DUNE film. He is made in the LJN style. He stands at 6 inches tall.

Custom Sardaukar
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is the fearsome Sardaukar warrior as he is described in the cult classic DUNE series. He is made in the LJN style. He stands at 6 inches tall.

Custom Leto II
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is Leto the second as he is described in the historic Dune novels. He is made in the LJN style. The Final stage of his transformation.

Custom Leto II
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is Leto the second as he is described in the historic Dune novels. He is made in the LJN style. He stands at 8 inches tall.

Custom Gurney Halleck
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is Gurney Halleck as he appeared in the cult classic DUNE film. He is made in the LJN style. He stands at 6 inches tall.

Custom Paul Atredies
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This Paul is made in the LJN style with stillsuit, weirding gun and worm hook. He stands at 6 inches.

Custom Leto Atredies
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This Duke Leto is made in the LJN style. He stands at 6 inches.

Custom Liet
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This is Dr. Liet Kynes as he appeared in the cult classic DUNE film, complete with thumper accessory. He is made in the LJN style. He stands at 6 inches tall.

Custom Chani
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This Chani is made in the LJN style in a stillsuit. She stands at 6 inches.

Custom Alia
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
Custom made Alia, in the LJN style. She stands at 3 1/2 inches.

Custom Reverend Mother
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This Reverend Mother is made in the LJN style. She stands at 6 inches.

Custom Sandworm
Publisher: Sites Designed By Sites
This custom figure of the Sandworm extends to 3ft long. It is pictured with the LJN Stilgar for scale.