Dune: Judge of the Change
Water Seller's Union

Water is life. By this maxim all Arrakis lives or dies. By this maxim the people here understand our power. Many factions vie for a claim on Arrakis, but they all come to us for their survival. Arrakis is a harsh world. You are wise to have allied with us, for we are the axis upon which Dune spins. Great Houses may rise and fall, but we will always be here. Aid us now and you will prosper as we prosper. In this, the time of change, we thrive!
Title | Type | Rarity |
Amtal Accord | Venture:Duel | Uncommon |
Arrakeen Patriarch | Aide:Noble/Merchant | Common |
Arrakeen Water Facilities | Charter:Directorship | F |
Arsunt | Fief:Dune City | F |
Assassin's Honor | Tactic:Intrigue/Declaration | Common |
Atreides Sector-Guard | Aide:Officer | Uncommon |
Botanical Testing Grant | Charter:Dune Contract | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
Carthag Engineering | Charter:Directorship | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
Cesar "La" Layre | Ally:Vassal/Banker | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
Contract Negotiations | Event:Imperium | Uncommon |
Culmination of Dark Things | Event:Imperium | Uncommon |
Cutteray | Equipment:Device | Uncommon |
Emrys Jago | Ally:Vassal/Native | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
Fakhir Zirut | Ally:Vassal/Native | F |
Fortune of Al-Lat | Venture:Transfer | Uncommon |
Glacier Mining Operation | Charter:Directorship | F |
Glacier Refinery | Enhancement:Bastion | Uncommon |
Governor of Arrakis | Decree:Enhancement | F |
Guild Bank Arbiter | Decree:Enhancement | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
Guild Bank Representative | Enhancement:Title | Rare |
Guild Shuttle | Equipment:Transport | Rare |
Harkonnen Sleeper | Personnel:Troop | Uncommon |
Harkonnen Sleeper | Aide:Assassin/Spy | Uncommon |
Ice Riggers | Personnel:Troop | Common |
Infraction of the Change | Tactic:Declaration | Rare |
Ionesco Valdeshar | Ally:Vassal/Assassin | F |
Kanly Omissia | Enhancement:Sanction | Rare |
Kulon Husbandry | Charter:Dune Contract | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
'Lida Banfi | Ally:Vassal/Native | F |
Lingar Bewt | Ally:Vassal/Native | F |
Mantene Principia | Tactic:Arbitration/Engagement | Common |
Mark of the Drowned Man | Venture:Transfer | Uncommon |
Noble Born | Enhancement:Title | Common |
Northern Polar Sink | Fief:Homeworld/Dune Fief | F |
Period of Truce | Event:Dune | Uncommon |
Petitioning Coup | Tactic:Petition/Declaration | Uncommon |
Petitioning Retribution | Event:Imperium | Uncommon |
Prana-Bindu Conditioning | Enhancement:Skill | Common |
Precept of Istislah | Venture:Transfer | Uncommon |
Rapier | Equipment:Blade | Common |
Ritual Combat | Tactic:Declaration | Rare |
Scars of Rememberance | Tactic:Duel/Declaration | Common |
Semuta Addiction | Enhancement:Sickness | Common |
Shifting Tides | Tactic:Declaration | Uncommon |
Siridar Governorship | Charter:Governorship | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
Soaks | Personnel:Corps | Common |
Sponsored Funding | Charter:Partnership | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
Stillsuit | Equipment:Device | Common |
Strategic Positioning | Tactic:Battle/Engagement | Common |
Strategy Delegation | Personnel:Corps | Common |
Support of the Houses | Tactic:Initiative/Declaration | Uncommon |
Tithing Clemency | Decree:Enhancement | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
Turn of Events | Venture:Deployment | Uncommon |
Unreckoned Numbers | Enhancement:Secret | Common |
Water Despot | Decree:Enhancement | Rare (Imperial Deck) |
Water Marshall | Aide:Officer | Uncommon |
Water Peddler | Aide:Merchant/Native | Uncommon |
Water Shortage | Event:Dune | F |
Water Tribute | Tactic:Declaration | Common |
Weirding Embassy | Personnel:Corps | Uncommon |
Zenzi Bewt | Ally:Vassal/Heir/Native | F |
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